Event box

Pizza & Movie Night @ MFL
Pizza & Movie Night @ MFL
Toy Story 4
Friday, October 11th @ 5pm
Join us at the Middletown Free Library for our Pizza & Movie Night! The library will have plain pizzas & water, but feel free to bring snacks or drinks to share, if you'd like. After the movie we'll make a craft that ties in with the film!
Registration is required. Include the total number of people attending (children AND adults) so we can order enough pizza.
Registration opens 2 weeks before event!
Library Hours:
Monday-Wednesday: 9:30am-8:30pm
Thursday-Friday: 12pm-6pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Sunday 1pm-5pm
Library Contact:
midirector@delcolibraries.org - Library Director
mireference@delcolibraries.org - Adult Services
micsd@delcolibraries.org - Children's Services
Library Address:
(across the street from Wayside Market, around the back of the Roosevelt Community Center for the main parking lot & entrance)