Event box

Books on Blankets @ Rose Tree Park
Unfortunately, due to weather, this event is CANCELLED. :(
Books on Blankets @ Rose Tree Park
Friday, April 26th @ 10:30am
All ages, Bring Your Own Blanket
Mr. Jason takes his story time outside for this special program! He'll share some books, songs, and bring a large variety of toys from the library for everybody to play with after story time. A wonderful chance to enjoy literacy, outdoors, and the community. Feel free to bring your own toys, if you'd like.
Weather permitting. If it is raining or below 50 degrees, we will cancel the event.
We'll be right off Providence Road by the main parking lot. There will be colorful parachutes, so you won't miss us.
Also, don't forget to check out The StoryWalk by Delaware County Libraries!
Library Hours:
Monday-Wednesday: 9:30am-8:30pm
Thursday-Friday: 12pm-6pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Sunday 1pm-5pm
Library Contact:
midirector@delcolibraries.org - Library Director
mireference@delcolibraries.org - Adult Services
micsd@delcolibraries.org - Children's Services
Library Address:
(across the street from Wayside Market, around the back of the Roosevelt Community Center for the main parking lot & entrance)