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The Unlocked Path An Examination and Celebration of Family History: Presentation by Janis Daly
.The Unlocked Path An Examination and Celebration of Family History: How the secrets of our past can surprise, delight, educate, and inspire the writing of a novel.
Presentation by Janis Daly
Janis Daly is the author of "The Unlocked Path", which takes place in Philadelphia in the late 1890s.
Meet a “New Woman” of the 20th century: educated, career-minded, independent Eliza Pearson Edwards. In 1897 Philadelphia, after witnessing her aunt's suicide, Eliza rejects her mother’s wishes for a society debut, and at a time when five percent of doctors are female, she enters a woman’s medical college. With the support of a circle of women and driven by a determination to conquer curriculum demands, battle sexism, and overcome doubts, Eliza charts her new life path. Combining science and sympathy, she triumphs to heal others and herself.
Organic Chemistry may slay her, if the strain of endless study, odoriferous labs, and gruesome surgeries don’t claim her first. As a young intern, she summons a forthright confidence asserting her abilities to those mistrustful of a woman doctor. Through her work with poverty-stricken patients, she defines her version of suffrage work to champion women’s rights for and beyond the right to vote. Love is found, love is lost. During a visit to the fairy-tale-like city of Newport, a new relationship may fulfill her desires. When global events devolve into chaos with the 1918 influenza pandemic and a world war, Eliza renews her vow to help and heal.
Library Hours:
Monday-Wednesday: 9:30am-8:30pm
Thursday-Friday: 12pm-6pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Sunday 1pm-5pm
Library Contact:
midirector@delcolibraries.org - Library Director
mireference@delcolibraries.org - Adult Services
micsd@delcolibraries.org - Children's Services
Library Address:
(across the street from Wayside Market, around the back of the Roosevelt Community Center for the main parking lot & entrance)